Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bicycle Lesson Plan

Homeschool Teacher - Lesson Plan & Newsletter
May 23, 2007
May is bicycle month. Read about the history of the bicycle here:

Here are some bicycle safety rules:
• walk bikes across streets
• always stop, look left, look right, look left again, and listen to be sure no cars are coming before crossing a street
• ride on sidewalks or designated paths
• obey stop signs
• always wear a helmet
• always use bicycle reflectors and lights
• only ride bike during daylight hours
• keep both hands on the handlebars
• know the correct way to wear a helmet
• learn how to correctly and safely brake
• identify parts of a bike (pedals, handlebars, seat, brakes, wheels)

One day while Sammy was walking home from school, a piece of paper blew into his face. He started to throw it but something caught his eye. The paper said “Close your eyes, turn around three times and say the word “Whistle Toot” out loud and the wonderful, magical, flying bicycle will be yours!”

At first Sammy thought this was silly. Just in case it might be true, he decided to follow the instructions on the paper. Sammy took a few steps after he turned around three times, said the words “Whistle Toot” and miracle of miracles, a bright shiny bicycle stood on the sidewalk in front of him.

Write an interesting story that tells about Sammy’s ride on the magical flying bicycle. Tell about where he went, what he saw, what happens while he’s on the flying bicycle, and how the story will end.


Bicycle Word Search:


Learn about gravity:


Math in Biking:

Don’t Forget the Math Challenge!

For more Free Homeschool Lesson Plans (k-3) 4-8)

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